At Morrow Gospel, everyone is welcome!
755 St. Anne’s Rd. Winnipeg, MB
10:45am Worship Service
9:30am Christian Education Classes
Weekly Service
Watch our weekly worship service and message on the Morrow Gospel YouTube channel.
Prayer Request
If you have a prayer request, you may contact the MGC Prayer Team at Prayer@morrowgospel.ca.
Upcoming Events

Meet Our New Lead Pastor
Colin Plett
Morrow Gospel Church is where I began my full-time pastoral journey as Associate Pastor, working with youth and young adults. After nearly 20 years of ministry, I am excited and honored to have been called back to MGC as Lead Pastor. Morrow Gospel Church has always been a place of warm welcome and a community you can not only join, but return to.
My wife, Heidi, and I are blessed with six adult children – four of our own and two who joined our family through marriage – along with three energetic grandchildren.
As Lead Pastor, my goal is for the messages you hear on Sunday to make a difference in your life throughout the week. We all have the opportunity to experience Jesus, but sometimes there are barriers that make it harder to fully know Him. At Morrow, we’re committed to helping remove those barriers. As we learn to love God more, we also learn to love people better, and we want everyone to encounter the real Jesus.
Our Pastor of Care
Paul Epp
I grew up attending Morrow Gospel with my family. God has led me away and back again, and now into the role of Pastor of Care. Praise Him!
I love Jesus and feel as I push more into my relationship with Him, that I feel a greater need for Jesus followers to be a light into our world. I believe in the calling to “love one another”, and strive to be more Christ-like. My wife Laurel and I are so excited to be a part of this very beautiful community, together with our daughters Nova and Zaylia.

Our Church Council Chair
Rob Shipman
I started attending Morrow Gospel Church in 1994 and have grown to love the community of believers here. I have served in various ways through the years, mostly in youth and music ministries. I accepted the role of Council Chair in 2020. I am blessed to serve with a great team of leaders on Council and with our Pastoral Staff.
What We Believe
In his holiness and love, God chose to create a world, completed by the creation of human beings in his own image. He wants us to walk in fellowship with him, in light and in love. Though we are intended to reflect his glory and to govern, we disobey and fall short of his glory. Despite our separation, God continues to desire relationship with us. He makes himself known through creation, the people of Israel, the Bible, and ultimately the incarnation of Jesus. As we learn to listen to God through the Bible, our lives will be re-formed in his image and we will grow in wisdom.
As you listen to God through Scripture you will get to know Jesus, for one of the most important tasks of the Bible is to reveal Jesus to us. Jesus is the King, come to establish God’s kingdom of justice and peace. Many rejected him and his message and this ultimately led to his death. This seeming failure, however, turns out to be God’s great victory. With the death and resurrection of the perfect God-Man, the penalty of death imposed on humankind for its rebellion is wiped out. The power of evil is broken and God’s kingdom is established. Now those who repent and trust in Jesus are restored to relationship with God and enter into new life in his kingdom.
The new life of following Jesus is empowered by God’s indwelling presence, the Holy Spirit. His empowerment for discipleship is essential because God’s Kingdom exists alongside the kingdom of the world.
Generosity, servant hood, servant leadership, inclusion, love and peace characterize it. While it is present, we anticipate its full and eternal completion when Jesus the King returns. This promise of a completed kingdom motivates us to live this present life with kingdom values.
Followers of Jesus join a like-minded fellowship, a new family, the Body of Christ, that we call the Church. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are important symbols of our life together in Christ. The Church exists to proclaim and demonstrate God’s reign, carrying out his mission in the world.
We'd Love to Hear From You
Morrow Gospel Church
755 St Anne's Road
Winnipeg, MB R2N 4G6
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